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Discover your RIASEC code

Take the SuperStrong® Assessment today & use your results (RIASEC code) to navigate the Future Fair!

How to get your RIASEC code

How to take the SuperStrong®
"I have my RIASEC code, now what?"

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Take the SuperStrong® assessment and get your RIASEC code

Access Code: SanMarcosUSD-FutureFair
About the SuperStrong® Assessment

The SuperStrong® assessment is derived from the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment, one of the most widely used career tools in the world. Developed over 90 years ago and still in use today, the Strong Interest Inventory assessment has helped academic and business organizations develop talent and has guided thousands of people in their search for a rich and fulfilling career. The SuperStrong assessment helps students discover how their interests translate into academic and professional success.


Use your SuperStrong® results (your personal RIASEC code) to navigate the Future Fair! 

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